
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

listening requires stillness

Now, I can understand very well what people are experiencing in their day-to-day life. There is so much crowdness and busyness people are facing that they have less and less time to commune with God.

 I am talking from the experience which  I  learned  from the people I am in contact with in my everyday life now.

From morning till evening, how many of us have  offered their thoughts about God? Who among of us have really  found  interest  in hearing from God.

I  must let you know that we should  pay a price in listening with God: we must discipline ourselves to be still before God.

This is not an easy task, but it is essential.

 Jesus developed the discipline of stillness before God in spite of his extremely busy life.

Crowds followed Him wherever he went. Daily preached and taught and healed. It was hard for Him to find time alone to pray, and he had to get up long before dawn to do it.

 Times of stillness and solitude were important to Jesus. In those times of seclusion, He not only poured out his heart to the Father, he earnestly listened to Him as well.

He needed his Father's comfort, direction, affirmation and assurance.

 Because of the continual leadings he received from father, there was purpose to his steps.

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