
Friday, September 9, 2011


This photo shows me as moderator of the Alter Boys Club of San Beda College Grade School. It was sometime in the late 90's (when this photo was taken)  when I was assigned to be moderator-adviser of the Altar Boys club of the school.

This was the year when my life was slowly being immersed with the thoughts of becoming member of the Benedictines.

Fr Anthony Mendoza, OSB was our club consultant and the  principal of San Beda grade school then. I  resigned as teacher in the  grade school in year 2002 on the 8th of  February.

 The last words I  heard from Fr Anthony was: "Albert, when will we see you again?. I replied: "I don't know Dom Anthony, maybe not anymore in the near future." "That is sad", he blurted out.

Reassuringly and surprisingly, The next thing I was re-united with Fr Mendoza was when I took my Solemn Vows in  year 2006. His coming to the monastery from the Philippines was a total surprise for me.

The Abbot superior had something to do with his coming over and I remembered his telling me days before my Solemn Vows that I have a surprise guest on my  "wedding" day! I did not insist on knowing who was that surprise guest because in our customary, we monks, do not insist with the Abbot superior of the house.

Indeed the abbot's word was true as I was tremendously and absolutely  surprised when I saw Dom Anthony coming to the ranks of monks during the procession to the Abbey Church for the Liturgical celebration of the ceremonies of my Perpetual profession of  my monastic vows. The rest of the day was truly delightful for me and indeed was  a blessed one!

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