
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

yesterday, today, tomorrow...

Romance is a term that is described as a pleasurable feeling of excitement and wonder associated with love. It is also used as a way to court or pursue amorously.

In the context of romantic love relationships, romance usually implies an expression of one's love, or one's deep emotional desires to connect with another person. This is especially apparent in platonic love where sexual drive is sublimated into an expression of desire.

Historically, the term "romance" originates with the medieval ideal of chivalry as set out in its Romance literature. Romance also has a strong European Christian tone since in Christianity virginity is considered an ideal for the female.

Even though there often appears to be traces of romance and love being intertwined in various cultures and societies throughout history, Gary Zukav, best selling author of Seat of the Soul and Soul Stories, views romantic love as being an illusion, stating that the concept of romantic love can never be truly fulfilling.

He states that "Romance is your desire to make yourself complete through another person rather than through your own inner work.", thus isolating the idea of romance from the concept of "true love." His argument is that "real love" is more beneficial than romantic involvement alone.

Romantic love may then be a sexual love that attempts to transcend needs driven by physical appearances, lust, or material and social gain.

This transcending ultimately implies not just that personality is more essential and a view that might appear without much regard to character.

Rather, romance tends to strive to see, or suppose it can see, personality as attractive in a fundamentally higher sense.

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